Kadangi žiema yra iš esmės vienintelis sezonas, kurio metu gali nešioti dirbtinio kailio švarkelius, su jumis dalinuosi savo naujausiu look'u, įkvėptu būtent tokio švarkelio. Pagalvojau, kad turiu paminėti, kad žiemą mažai fotografuojuosi lauke, dėl tos priežasties, kad ilgai prasirgau ir mano draugas, besirūpinantis mano sveikata, uždraudė man iki tol, kol atšis oras fotografuotis lauke. Todėl jau pradedu svajoti apie pavasarį arba šiltus kraštus.
Because I think winter is the only season you can wear faux fur vests and jackets without any scare to be called out crazy, I share with you my latest look, inspired exactly by one of my faux fur jackets. I thought I should mention, that during the winter season, I won't make lots of lookbook photoshoots outside my apartment or any other indoor areas, because my boyfriend, being very good boyfriend and caring about my well being, prohibited me having photoshoots outside until the weather gets any warmer. That is the reason why I started dreaming of spring and tropical destinations.
H&M blue ink faux fur jacket
Because I think winter is the only season you can wear faux fur vests and jackets without any scare to be called out crazy, I share with you my latest look, inspired exactly by one of my faux fur jackets. I thought I should mention, that during the winter season, I won't make lots of lookbook photoshoots outside my apartment or any other indoor areas, because my boyfriend, being very good boyfriend and caring about my well being, prohibited me having photoshoots outside until the weather gets any warmer. That is the reason why I started dreaming of spring and tropical destinations.
H&M blue ink faux fur jacket
Zara pants
New Yorker shoes
Filippo Loreti watch
Filippo Loreti watch
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